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When it comes to having your photos done, the panic button goes off! Things like “I need to get in shape for my session” or “ I may have to wait until I lose weight before I do it…” are usually the biggest concerns, especially for my female clients.  I will tell you what… in my experience working with my clients over the years, this kind of thinking is a good recipe for self-sabotage!

This is ususally what happnes when you take in consideration getting on a diet before you take your new photos:

You may never lose the weight in time for this project, therefore, impeding you from even moving forward with it…  oh, and that is so bad! You really need your photos!


You may move forward, but no matter how wonderful your photos look, you will never be happy with them, because, guess what? You don’t like yourself!  You will be entering this project with lack of self-acceptance!

More often than not, I find that men are uncomplicated, compared to us women. They are practical, real and eager to embrace their wrinkles and grays, they don’t spend time disguising their looks. In the other hand, most of us women spend a crazy amount of money fixated in improving the way we look. We resort to cosmetics, from makeup to hair dye, and even enhancements done under the knife.  I see so many of us, no matter how beautiful we are, we cannot see past the external vision of the surface. And why does it have to be so?  Don’t let me go there…. The tv, the fashion magazines, the idea of beauty and perfection that has been so distorted…. Let me stop here!

Now, we are talking about your Personal Brand and guess what?  It is about having a personal connection with your audience. Have you thought that, perhaps, your flaws may be the “it” factor that will help you to connect with your ideal client? They want to relate to you, feel a common bond, a thread that links you both… Your audience is made of real people, with real flaws, just like you and I, going through things in life, good and bad, and they are craving connection! It is all about connecting with a real human being, feeling understood, feeling like they belong. What I am trying to say is, the best diet for your photo session is being real!

So what is the best way to approach a Photo Session Diet?

You photo session diet is simple, yet,  is one that you should adopt and keep it for the long run. It is called self-acceptance diet. If you can’t digest you, fully, for who you are, this is probabaly going to require some tweeking in your life-style and mindset.

Start with with simple Questions:

Are you happy with the way you look?  Why?

Are you happy with the way you feel? Do you know why?

The questioning can go much deeper, but be careful not to allow yourself to become even more unmotivated. A reality check should create a desire to turn the table around, and get to it!

In my case, I am 25 poiunds overweight now. Why? I become a “carbatarian” in the process of becoming vegetarian! This is my Q&A., for real! This happened to me over a period of one year!  How do I feel about it? Well, I prefer to be 25 lighter for sure. So what’s next? Avoid grains, high carbs, hit the gym, go for nauture walks once or twice a week, drink more water, not eat after 7pm, etc…  If I want to achieve the result, I know I need to put the effort! Just like in business, you have a vision for it, you set up actionable steps to achieve your results! I know I am overweigh, and I had to launch my new website in April, and had my photos and video done for it. I did not let that hold me back! I went for it, embraced my rolls and looks, and now I can continue to work towards shedding those pounds. Life continues… Perhaps the next time I do a major update on my visual brand, my clients will notice my transformation and get inspired too! Perhaps, a buch of them are relating to me at this very moment, saying “Hey, I am 25 pounds overweight too!”

I have a request for you, rather you are going to take the leap and jump in front of the lens and own it all, or wait…

Stop self-sabotaging yourself and catch yourself on your negative sel-talk!

I hear people saying horrible things to themselves, like “I look like a pig”, “ I am so fat now….” I look horrible”, “ I can’t stand the way I look”. Please, stop being your worst enemy! Switch things around, starting by nurturing your body with a diet of self-acceptance and self-love! If you are not happy, you deserve to be happy!  Let’s do something about it! And if you want to enlist support and get you ready, I am here for you!

The Non Invasive Solution for Your Weight Loss, in front the Camera!

As a seasoned professional, I can use so many tricks to help my clients to look their best when I photograph them, but none of them are good enough if they are just not happy with themselves.

My expertise allows me to take away pounds and flattering my subjects by using the right lens, angles, posing techniques, lighting and even some photoshop! I can smooth wrinkles and even give you a “virtual” facelift if that is your desired outcome. I have on my team some phenomenal makeup and hair artists I work with, which will make you look radiant, simply by enhancing what is already there, your natural beauty!

No matter what weight you are, age, etc… are you completely in love with who you are? Are you happy with yourself? As a soul? if you are feeling completely miserable the way you feel and look? Are you lacking a spiritual practice in your diet?

If you are struggling with self-acceptance, and not feeling like you are in the right mindset for your photo session, but desperately need to fix this, I can help! I thrive and love to help people see the beauty within and to bring it out into your final photographs, so everyone can see, including you!

When you are investing in your photography session, indeed you want to get your return of investment. You want to be absolutely happy the way you look in your photos.  So rather this event will motivate you to get your butt to the gym, or just invite you to take a deeper look into how you preceive yourself, let the outcome be a positive one, leading to self-acceptance and self-love! Let the investment generate positive momentum in your life and business too!

My closing thought:

Let your diet feed your soul!

Your diet should consist not only on the food you eat, but the energy you consume, from the words you speak and listen to, to the people, places and things that are part of your experience. You are what you eat. Digest your thoughts in your mind before you eat them and packed them into your body. Self-acceptance and self-love are the main ingredients for a lifelong healthy diet. Once you love yourself, you will never allow your health and wellness to be compromised again. Make wise choices.

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Carolina Luna Photography